Saturday, February 2, 2008 

GPS Navigation Systems and Data Problems

We have a serious problem brewing with GPS navigation systems for automobiles and even motorcycles. There are however problems with this devise as a high tech toy are more serious than you might think. Ask anyone in a metro area who has bought a new car with one of those cool GPS upgrades for their SUV or new sports car. We have had our customers complain (customers of the carwash business, which is my profession). Oh they love the gadget, but they are under whelmed by the lack of data and streets, which are not listed. You see we have been seeing incredible suburban growth in many cities. Places near large DMA metros are a problem out in the middle class suburbs. In many areas such as outside Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Nashville, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Columbus, Cleveland, Baltimore, Jacksonville, Tampa Bay, Miami, Orlando, Atlanta, DC Subs, etc. And in NJ, NC, NV, OH lots of other fast growing growth pockets.

When GPS devises for cars first hit the scenes at the CES and SEMA shows in 1996, they became increasingly more popular, powerful and better data. But like VHS and Beta, Apple and IBM, competition became increasingly greater causing much consolidation in the industry along with patent fights. Much of the technology was former Defense Contractors peddling their wares through subsidiary consumer level companies. But the tight market remained due to the costs. Meanwhile companies like DeLorme and others tried to flood the market with low priced GPS units, which made things even more competitive. And the bugs were not fully out of the system yet. Someday all cars will drive themselves and people can watch TV, do video conferencing and use their transportation as a portable office or entertainment system while they are being driven to the location they have punched into their computer. Some things will have to occur before this is a reality of course. But eventually your dexterity skills to actually pilot a car will be worthless and un-needed.

First the satellites will need to be laser aligned and use multiple satellites to get absolute locations of ground items and vehicles. The cars will need to have additional anti collision devises made up of networked sonar and optic flow sensors. All of which are now available and the technology is getting better and better. Many military applications today will be civilian tomorrow. Just like Radar, Microwave ovens, Nuclear Energy, Cellular Phones, Satellite Communication and Jet Aircraft in Commercial Aviation. The flow of transportation will be brought to the next generation to serve man better.

For the time being the incremental changes in these technologies has hit a slight road block even though Honda, GM, Ford, Mercedes, Daimler Chrysler and Toyota have invested billions in anti-collision and safety devices which they will add comfort and desirable options which they can sell to customers as upgrades. Smart Car Technologies can add Thousands of Dollars to the price of a car and consumers are glad to pay for them. A factory GPS system with display can cost up to $6,000.00 and they sell a lot of them on the higher end cars. It is a high profit item upgrade, although there are some, which only cost $1000. And if you wish to compare these, some are very incredible with many features; .

There are many companies, which sell after market computer assist items. These companies are doing quite well and the systems work great. The big issue is just because you have a super duper incredible GPS system, does not mean the street you are looking for is even on the map yet. In other words it is like using an old map. If you are a studier of maps like I happen to be, you will see the problem with older maps. Even some companies keep printing old map data year after year without adding in new on ramps, city streets, infrastructure freeway improvements and ring-roads, it is aggravating for those from out of town. Even more aggravating looking for an address or street in a new housing tract, which you can see but the devise insists, does not exist? Then there are problems in areas like Cape Coral, FL and Tehachapi, CA or El Paso, TX and Knoxville, TN where the roads have been scraped and ready to put in or put in but do not connect or have nothing there yet. Of course it is very aggravating to see a road and try to go down it and find it is a dirt road that connects to nothing yet or an entire sub-division that does not exist? Is it a Mirage? If so where is the white Tiger Show?

Jack Dangermond of ESRI had set up entire networks of software makers who developed data for their awesome software products for GPS and GIS needs. Used by government, military, utility companies, transportation companies, private companies with GPS units to sell to the public, First Responders and school districts for buses. After the Dot Com crash those software companies were among some of the survivors, but had significantly cut costs. Thus without the proper data the GPS systems bought by the upper, upper-middle and middle class for their cars were not always good enough to support the price point for the newest technology. This is especially upsetting since the upper, upper-middle and middle class citizens who pay the most taxes live in the suburbs for the most part. The chances of a middle class American; who bought a home during the 3 years last housing boom; not being able to find their house or street on their new GPS devise is a higher probability then them actually finding it. We interviewed one man who bought a new Nissan Sports car.

Who lives in a newer developed area in the higher end Las Vegas, Clark County Suburbs, which only had the main streets on his GPS and had huge blank spots on his device? Some GPS devices allow the user to choose a satellite vendor and data vendor and software, but many of the Factory units do not. People think they are getting something really good and then find they cannot use it to navigate, which would really piss you off considering you may have paid as much as $6,000 for the unit. Even more dangerous is the information we learned from an EMT ambulance driver in Dallas area who told us of looking for streets for 15-20 minutes after battling through suburban gridlock to get to where they thought it might be. 3G cell phone technology may assist for those using cell phones to call in data to the dispatches. For all the training we are doing across this nation for first responders and on-going education of police, fire, Hazmat, etc. it appears that we have forgotten the problems of the system. Any time you build a system to serve humankind you must make it simple and make it work, that should be the first, the very first priority, then you can fix all the other issues.

With that said we interviewed a lady recently one evening who had a hell of a long day working for the Metro Police Departments Central Nervous System. The communications center and dispatch is to what we are referring. Although she was unaware of the problem at the center for bad data or missing data in the system, she could not say how they were able to get the information. Luckily serving a metro area they are probably connected to the planning departments computer, which they should be. And if the police department has the new data and no problem in this case, why have the software vendors not been able to access the data? It is a safety issue if someone with a GPS system pulls out a map and tries to read it while driving in an area they are not familiar with. It is guaranteed that in the history of the automobile in this country more people have been in serious traffic accidents from trying to read maps, than talking on cell phones, although cell phones no doubt a contributing factor in many lesser accidents will eventually pass this figure. Where the streets are, well frankly I cannot understand the need to keep this a secret unless it is the layout of Area 51, Prison, Power plant, Pentagon grounds, Military Bases, etc. If the emergency first responders divisions and contractors would share the data, there might be less accidents and they maybe able to get some assistance from the public being the eyes and ears

and also perhaps they could in fact use the idea of Smart Virtual Mobile Communities or FlashMob scenarios since budgets are strapped as the National Security Red-Orange-Yellow-High-Risk-Danger-Days come with high frequency, more police and first responders are on duty and that costs money. Without significant inflows the coverage of the Grid of a city is in jeopardy of slower response times. Fast response times are the easiest way to keep the peace, everyone, which gets away can cause problems another day and of course in case of International Terrorist Attacks.

It is essential to have the data for these devises and everyone is better served when communication flows. GPS units provide that and the data should be readily available and probably it is best to have the cities using the same formats as first responders and the same data can be used for utilities, consumers, military and even census data or academia studying urban sprawl and growth rates to have infrastructures ready during expansion. Things like water and energy, which has obviously been a major focus here.

There needs to be a nationwide coordinated effort to see that such data is filtered into the private sector, because as it stand the companies have been hammered in the industry and cannot perform the services to bring this stuff to market. Communication is important for government and citizen a like, increased efficiencies in business will save the government money and provide additional tax base and funds on the income of such businesses utilizing such data, as well as save money and time for all the government services discussed above. If we want a screaming economy we ought to be thinking how we can streamline and accelerate the flow of information to increase efficiencies and allow a small portion of the gain from the expanded pie to continue the growth. In other words, we make it easier for the Florist to deliver, the school buses to pick up more kids per hour and the soccer mom to take more kids to practice and still have time left to shop all of which serves man. The digital GIS divide is as important for our economy as the Digital Internet Divide. Kids in sports do less drugs, become more competitive, have higher work ethics and soccer moms can help keep the retail economy going. Every time you ease the flow, more things are possible. The exponential increase in American productivity is needed to offset the time lost in traffic and congestion. GIS-GPS systems can help in any emergency or simply driving around town getting things done to check off ones list for the day.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance in the Online Think Tank and solve the problems of the World;

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Young Female, Traveling Alone - India

Embarking on a Holy Adventure

I had a strong grip on the seat in front of mine. I could have felt my stomach shrinking in fear and moving upward, toward my chest.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing some turbulence. Please keep your seat belts fastened until the seatbelt sign is off," announced the pilot.

I looked around. I was the only female in the vicinity. The Indian men kept staring at me. They had been looking since I got on the plane. The look was intense, and I almost felt it penetrating my skin. The cabin looked run-down. The empty luggage storage bins hung wide-open, flapping in the air. There was water dripping from a rusty spot above a right-side window, and the seat below was missing. My seat kept shaking and so was the one onto which I was hanging.

"Turbulence only," said the Indian man sitting on my left side.

He probably sensed my fear. I was afraid the plane would not survive through such strong air turbulence.

The plane hit a deep air hole and abruptly descended a few meters. I felt hopeless.

The aircraft stabilized a few minutes later. The seatbelt lights turned off. I let go of the chair in front and leaned back. I felt the sweat dripping down my chin. I tried to relax.

The flight attendants moved around quickly, distributing bread rolls and small white lunch boxes to the passengers.

"Is this a vegetarian meal?" I asked the stewardess who had handed it to me.

"There is no vegetarian meal on plane." I opened the box, and I smelled the rotten meat. I lost my appetite.

"Can I have a glass of water?"

"Wait, please." She came back ten minutes later and handed me the water.

Half an hour later, we landed in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The Indian men rushed outside the plane, pushing me out of the way. I had no choice but to move with the flow. I walked along the corridor and entered the waiting room.

I sat down. Two young Western guys came to sit next to me.

"Are you traveling alone?" asked one of them.

"Yes, but right now I wish I had a travel companion," I said.

"You can hang out with us."

Rick and Johan were friends. Johan was Swedish and Rick was a Kiwi (New Zealander). They met in Sweden. Rick had been away from home for five years. They looked tired. Big dark circles surrounded their eyes.

"We partied late last night in Bangkok," Johan said. The plane was two hours late, and there was no sign that it would take off soon.

Many Indian men stood by the information desk. I approached the desk.

"Do you know what time the plane will leave?" I asked one of the men standing up next to the desk.

"Sorry, Madame, don't know," he said. "The plane time two hours ago." I found it funny the way he wiggled his head while talking to me. He shook it fast from side to side.

I sat down. An hour later, the Indian men rushed inside the plane, pushing again along the way. This time I sat next to Rick and Johan. We arrived late at night in Calcutta and we shared a pre-paid taxi to Sudder Street, the backpackers' district.

It felt like a different worlda world after a war. The buildings were run-down. Some had broken windows, and huge dirty spots covered the outside walls. There were garbage piles on the side of the road. I could smell it.

The streets were quiet at night. A cow moved nonchalantly along the street. A few metal busses with no window glass were parked along the side. They looked abandoned.

"It's not as bad as I imagined," I said out loud.

"You seem to be picking yourself up quickly," Rick said.

The three of us looked around in shock.

"Sudder Street flooded," said the driver. "A lot of waterTwo weeks raining," he continued. "I know good hotel."

Johan, Rick, and I looked at each other in disbelief.

"No, you bring us to Sudder Street now," I told him firmly.

It looked like a scam: he would probably bring us to some expensive hotel where he could collect commission.

Sudder Street was not flooded. It took us an hour to find a decent open guesthouse. Inside the guesthouse, I looked at three rooms and chose the cleanest of the three. I settled for two hundred rupees.

I suddenly started regretting leaving Southeast Asia. In Bangkok, for two hundred rupees, I would have had a clean room with air-conditioning.

I couldn't fall sleep. For the remainder of the night, I tossed and turned in bed.

I got off the bed early the next morning and took a cold shower. I felt my skin itching. I started inspecting my room. There were a couple black roaches running around. The walls were dirty, and there were a few small blood spots on top of the bed. As I approached to take a closer look at the wall, I saw a couple of tiny white worm-like insects wandering around in my bed. I packed my backpack and went down the stairs.

"You told me no bedbugs," I told the guy at the reception.

"No bedbugs in guesthouse, Madame. We are clean people." He wiggled his head.

"Come and I show you the bedbugs," I told him.

He followed me into the room and I showed him the small insects wandering the bed.

"Maybe oneor two," He said.

He gave me another room with a TV and more bedbugs for 250 rupees. I took it, as I realized all the rooms were the same.

I ordered the train ticket to Delhi with the guesthouse. I was going to leave the following evening. I left a note for Rick and Johan, and I went out in the city.

In the Streets of India

Sudder Street looked so much different in the daylight. A few tobacco stores opened for business. On the left side, a couple of rickshaw drivers were lying down, sleeping inside their rickshaws, waiting for passengers. Not far away from them, a cow sat chewing from a pile of garbage. Further down, a couple of men were lying down on bamboo sheets, sleeping. They must have been really poor. A couple of cars crossed each other in the streets, barely missing each other.

I tried to make my way through the busy street, passing a few Indians on the way.

"Rupees, Madame, please?" A woman walked toward me, begging for money. She carried a baby in her hands. A couple of children followed her.

"Rupees, Madame?"

I searched my bag and gave them small change. They continued walking along.

"Rupees, Madame, please?"

"I gave you some, now go away, please." They still followed me.

I entered a small restaurant at the corner of the street. I sat down and ordered tea and toast.

A few Westerners sat down in the restaurant. They looked rested and calm. I wished I felt that way. I lacked sleep and felt rather anxious.

A blond girl quietly sat at the table in front of me, reading a book. She looked beautiful in her blue Salwar Kameez suit. I thought of buying one too.

The restaurant looked filthy. The waiter brought me breakfast. He cleaned my table. No matter how hard he cleaned it, it was still dirty. I quickly ate and went back onto Sudder Street. It was hot. I thought of buying a bottle of water.

"No good water, Madame," said a young boy passing by. I took the bottle of water I bought from the tobacco shop and looked at it.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked.

"This water bad name," he explained.

It was another scam to make a few extra rupees. The bottles have been refilled with tap water. As a traveler, the number one survival rule in Asia was to neither drink the tap water nor eat the uncooked fruits or vegetables washed in it.

I threw away the bottle and bought a different brand. The bottle was sealed properly. It was safe to drink it.

The weather started to get hot. The air was polluted. I had hard time breathing.

I went inside the market and roamed around, searching for clothes to buy. I had the impression the Indian men's eyes followed me everywhere I went, watching me.

"Madame, you need help? I show you nice store." The Indian man started walking along with me.

"I will find the stores myself, thank you," I told him.

"Madame, you want to buy?" said another Indian man as I approached his store.

I bought a red Salwar Kameez suit and put it on. I thought of buying a Bindi, the red dot the Indian women wear between their eyes.

"Madame, need help?" The salesman asked.

"I need a Bindi."

"I give you beautiful Bindi." He took out a bunch of small packets of Bindis of different colors and shapes. He chose one, took it out, and placed it on my forehead.

"Beautiful, Madame." He smiled.

I bought a small pack.

Back in the streets, I noticed I was being stared at less than before. It must have been the Indian attire.

The traffic was chaotic: cars going in all directions, their horns honking. To my amazement the cars didn't collide.

"Why do they use the horns so much?" I asked myself.

A strange vehicle passed in front of me: a two-seat and two-wheel rickshaw dragged by a tiny Indian man. Two women sat behind him. On the other side of the street, a few Indian men waited by the bus stop. They wore white pajama-like clothes and slippers.

I walked along the sidewalk through the slums of Calcutta. There were blue tents set up all along the sidewalk, and many families found shelter underneath them. I tried to look inside a tent. I could only see colorful, ripped clothes hanged in front of the tent. A woman washed her skinny naked children. As I got closer to them, they started begging me for money. I gave away some change. As other families saw me, they came closer. I found myself surrounded by tens of people begging for money. I threw some rupees in the air, and as they tried to pick the money up I ran away.

I suddenly got dizzy. I felt exhausted and confused. I scanned the images in front of my eyes, but I had a hard time realizing what was happening. This was not the reality I knew. There was too much chaos and too much poverty all around.

The above is an excerpt from my book 'Young Female, Traveling Alone.' To find out more, please visit my website:

I am a computer engineer, living in Montreal, Canada. In November 2001, I took an assignment to work in Sweden, where I lived as an expatriate until July 2003. I then left my job in Sweden to embark on a seven-month backpacking journey through Asia/Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and India. During this time, I became accustomed to the "traveler mentality" and learned to survive on the road.

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Mortgage Loans 101: How to Prepare for Closing Costs

Most home buyers understand the basics of home mortgage loans. They know what a mortgage loan is, how interest works, and other fundamentals of the home loan process.

But when it comes to the closing costs associated with buying a home, many of these same home buyers get caught off guard by both the variety and total amount of closing costs. By understanding and preparing for these costs ahead of time, you can avoid such surprises.

What Are Closing Costs?
Closing costs are the total cost of completing the transfer of ownership of a house. These costs do not include the purchase price of the home. Rather, they are the extras -- fees and expenses aside from the purchase price.

On average, closing costs range between 3% and 5% of the total loan amount. So for a loan of $200,000, closing costs might run $6,000 to $10,000 (3% and 5% respectively of $200,000).

What's Included Within Closing Costs?
Closing costs vary depending on where you live and what mortgage lender you choose. But closing costs often include fees for the following (this list is not all-inclusive):

* Loan origination
* Loan application
* Appraisal
* Document preparation
* Attorney's services
* Escrow agent's services
* Pest inspection
* Credit report / processing

Getting an Estimate of Closing Costs
The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, or RESPA, requires that mortgage lenders give you a good faith estimate of all the loan-related fees you're likely to pay at closing. They must give you this estimate at the time of loan application. Keep in mind, however, that these are just estimates. Actual closing costs may be more than the good faith estimate closing costs.

Shop Around
It's a good idea to obtain good faith estimates from multiple lenders. Don't choose a lender based on their interest rates alone. Shop around for estimated closing costs as well.

Just realize that large discrepancies between estimated and actual closing costs are not uncommon. You can prepare yourself for this by having enough money in the bank to cover the good faith estimate amount and then some.

A few days before closing, you will receive another document called a settlement statement, or "HUD-1 statement." This document will give you a more exact tally of the closing costs you'll be expected to pay at closing.

Closing costs include a wide variety of fees and charges. They can add up to a sizable amount, so it's important to prepare for them in advance. Be sure to factor closing costs into the equation when looking for a mortgage lender. Proper planning can help you avoid unpleasant surprises on closing day.

* Copyright 2006, Brandon Cornett. You may republish this article in its entirety, provided you leave the byline, author's note and website hyperlink intact.

About the Author
Brandon Cornett is the editor of, one of the Internet's largest libraries of home buying information -- over 100 expert articles on home buying and home mortgage loans! Learn more at:

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The Second Coming Of The Clintons Is Here-Hillary Is Coming! It's Time To Revisit The Land Of 'Is'

Will Hillary Clinton follow in her husband's footsteps if she becomes President?

Tapsearch Com featuring Tapart News and Art that Talks kept a record of many of the jobs that were lost and the many companies that closed down in 1998 and some of the previous years. The list is available at Tapart News and Art that Talks at site noted below. In 1998 alone, more than 250,000 jobs were lost in high technology. During this time, President Clinton proclaimed a statistical property while millions were losing their jobs and a silent depression was spreading across the land. (Hurricane Katrina exposed this silent depression in New Orleans after the storm.) Surrounding the time of President Clinton, the U.S. went through the most massive dislocation of jobs in U.S. history. A working poor class was created at the expense of the middle class. Getting American Working Forum reported that 50% of all the human resources in the USA was not being used.

Soon after President Clinton was elected, 250,000 lost their jobs just between IBM and AT&T/NCR Computers. In eight years, several more Steel Corporations went bankrupt or went out business completely. The unemployment rates were a fabrication compared to pass reporting. In the past, unemployment was primarily based on only full time jobs with the reporting coming from the unemployment offices. However, the methods were changed since only about 38% of all workers were qualifying for unemployment insurance. The same applies today.

In the Land of ' is ' even a single mother making only a $100 a month was considered employed. The same applys today too. President Bush the second did not change a thing when he took office. The two act as if they are one when it comes to Free Trade and denial about the creation of a working poor class in the USA.

Free Trade was not something new when President Clinton pushed the passage of both unfair NAFTA and GATT trade agreements. He just confirmed what was going on for a long time and put the process at warp speed. The U.S. Government sponsored the moving of factories outside the USA starting in 1956. By 1970, 120 factories were moved to Mexico. Then things heated up. By 1980 there were 400 factories moved to Mexico with complete blessings of the U.S. Government. Then the moves became more frequent during the 1980s and during President Bush the first era. By 1992, prior to the passing of the trade bills, 2,000 former U.S. factories were in Mexico. After the passing of NAFTA this number quickly doubled to more than 4,000 factories being moved to Mexico.

By the time President Clinton took office, there was plenty of evidence that Free Trade was all about moving production to the cheapest labor markets possible and not about trading products. It was also self-evident that this so called Free Trade had a long history of failures. This did not stop President Bill Clinton from pushing for more the same. He actually went out of his way to force the passing of both NAFTA and GATT trade agreements. In November 1993, the Contract with America Republicans won Congress. For some reason, President Clinton chose not to wait for the Republicans to take over Congress in the coming January and he called Congress back from a Thanksgiving holiday to pass GATT. It was apparent that he had Free Trade high on his list of things to do during his time in office.

Soon after getting NAFTA passed by a Democrat controlled Congress - it was a slight margin but still it was a Democrat Congress - President Clinton had to rush billions of dollars to Mexico to save the peso. President Bush the second, says Mexican workers migrate to the U.S. to take jobs Americans will not take. He neglects to tell the American people that even though thousands of U.S. factories were moved to Mexico, the Mexicans would not take the jobs that pay only about a $1 an hour and fled to the USA seeking better wages. In effect, Mexican workers are refusing jobs in Mexico. Now many of these factories are moving out of Mexico to places like China where there are workers who are willing to work for less. Today, you can view the Chinese Liberation Army rolling by across our land in the form of COSCO the giant shipping company. The Chinese Liberation Army is a part owner of COSCO. The large shipping containers on top of railroad flat cars flast by as we stop at our railroad crossings. President Clinton allowed China to obtain much of our high technology too.

Hillary Clinton has not contested any of this during her tenure as the wife of the President or as a Senator from New York. She is a Free Trader. She will talk about establishing a better level playing field but not about the happenings as noted above. Thereis nothing in her background that lends itself to stop the suffering of workers in the USA or Mexico - or for that matter in places like China too. Electing her will be like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.

As far as wars go, in effect President Clinton started a pre-emptive war in the Balkans. He gave the Serbians an ultimatum that everyone knew the Serbians could not comply with. In trying to stop ethnic cleansing, President Clinton ended up in doing his own version of it. When the U.S. went into Yugoslavia, more about 750,000 Serbians and Gypies had to flee for their lives. They flocked to Belgrade and many also went to Kosovo only to have to flee again after the U.S. military went into Kosovo. President Clinton then bombed civilians in Belgrade. Nothing is right in the Balkans after all this with one power just replacing another one. Bosnia became a training area for terrorists with many ending up in Iraq. President Clinton let these fighters come to Bosnia in the first place during the war . Actually, the whole scenario is a forecast of what will now happen in Iraq. One power will replace another one with more terrorism and not less as the by-product.

Hillary Clinton is coming now and and all should be reminded about what happened in the Land of ' is' . It needs to be pass on across our land. The second coming of the Clintons is here. There is not much difference between the Clinton and Bush era. View the Cross 9/11 Tangle of Terror artwork by Ray Tapajna asking who will now untangle the terror Globalization and Free Trade has bred. I doubt it will be Hillary. See and

See Search under Hillary is coming Tapsearch, Tapart News and especially under Clinton Years American Dream Reversed. Under this phrase there are now more than a million reference results at Google and even more at Gigablast Com which also has an unique indexing system on top of each page. The Clinton Years, The American Dream Reversed artwork by Ray Tapajna is highly rated world wide at graphicforums com. You can find this in any search as id 1247 searching under the title.

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Selecting Your Mesothelioma Attorney or Law Firm

As with anything in life, when looking for legal assistance to claim compensation for asbestos injury you want to get the best legal advice available. This is particularly true with legal cases involving an injury such as mesothelioma, where millions of dollars in compensation could be at stake. Selecting the right mesothelioma lawyer could make a big difference to the success of your lawsuit, and also the amount of compensation you receive as settlement for your injury.

The first thing you need to look for in a mesothelioma lawyer is experience. The rise in mesothelioma cases coming to light has seen a boom in the number of specialist mesothelioma lawyers in operation, and these skilled professionals have built up established links to help with many aspects of your mesothelioma lawsuit. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer will have the necessary knowledge, experience, contacts and resources to put together a solid case and increase your chances of success.

Using an experienced mesothelioma lawyer will also enable you to check the law firms' track record when it comes to success rate with mesothelioma cases. Before you make any commitment to a lawyer or law firm, you should check how many mesothelioma cases the firm or lawyer has dealt with in the past, and how many of these have been successful. A good, experienced mesothelioma lawyer will be happy to answer these questions for you. Some lawyers will even be able to give you an idea for the figures involved with their successful cases, although they won't be able to divulge information about the plaintiff for confidentiality reasons.

When looking for the right mesothelioma lawyer, you should also look into the firm's fee structure. Many mesothelioma lawyers now operate on a contingency fee basis, which means that you will only pay a fee for legal assistance if and when you are awarded compensation. This payment structure offers peace of mind, enabling you to pursue legal action without the worry of ending up with huge legal bills even if you do not get compensation for your illness.

Make sure that you feel comfortable with the lawyer that you select, as you will need to be completely honest and frank with your mesothelioma lawyer in order to maximize the chances of a successful lawsuit. Even if you choose a law firm that states that they specialize in mesothelioma cases, make sure that you also check on the experience of the specific lawyer assigned to your case, as this will ensure that you get someone that has the skills and knowledge necessary to help you get compensation.

By taking the time to find the right mesothelioma lawyer to deal with your case, you can benefit from assistance from a specialist that has the connections and knowledge to maximize your chances of success. You can also benefit from a no-win no-fee payment structure, which means that you won't have to pay for the legal service if the mesothelioma lawyer is unsuccessful in securing you compensation. However, if you opt for a mesothelioma lawyer that has plenty of experience within this particular field, you can reduce the chances of your lawsuit failing and increase the chances of getting a substantial sum of compensation for your injury. offers listings of experienced mesothelioma attorneys and asbestos law firms as well as mesothelioma information and articles. To find a mesothelioma attorney or law firm, visit

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Got Wood Flooring?

Wood flooring ads a touch of class to your home like no other flooring surface can. If you are looking for a flooring idea that will add durability and value to a room then wood flooring is most likely your best option. This article will look at some of reasons why adding wood flooring to your home improvement plans may be a great investment.

Wood flooring is not the type of flooring you should consider if you are looking for cheap flooring or you plan to move in a short period of time. Wood flooring is an investment into your home. Wood flooring offers comfort, style, and natural beauty to any room you choose to install it in.

Wood Flooring Is Worth The Money

The cost for wood flooring may be more than many types of surfaces, but in the long run if you consider the longevity that wood flooring will offer it really is a great investment into your home. The re-sale value will be much higher for a home with well done wood flooring.

Wood Flooring is Easy to Maintain

The nice thing about wood flooring in your kitchen or dining room is that you can clean it with a broom and the occasional light wiping up of a spill. You should check with the company that installs to see if there are any other cleaners they recommend for their particular surface. The key to maintenance is making sure you do not run a beater bar vacuum or anything that might scratch the surface.

Wood Flooring is Better for You

Todays health issues seem to be growing with all the fillers and particles that we breathe into our systems on a daily basis. With wood flooring you have less chance of dirt and mold and other harmful particles to accumulate. With a carpet you can have all kinds of un-healthy things gathering beneath the surface. With wood flooring what you se is what you get.

If you want to add value then look at wood flooring as a great way to add a touch of class to your home. The draw backs would be the added expense up front to have a professional company install them, plus the added expense of the material.

For more information on flooring try visiting, a website that specializes in providing helpful flooring tips, advice and resources to include Wood Flooring and more.

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