Wednesday, February 20, 2008 

Do You Know What Kind of Government Insurance You Have

Do you know who to contact when you are laid off of work? When you are hurt at work? When you are too ill to work - short term - long term? Do you know the difference between State Disability and Federal Disability? If you have answered yes or no to any of these questions, read on.

Life today is complicated. Medical Insurance is complicated.

I will ask you this question again? Do you know what kind of medical insurance you have? Do you know what is covered under your insurance plan? Do you spend a fortune every month for medical coverage and do not have a clue how it will affect you until it is too late?

Well if you answer this question honestly, you will realize that you are not alone. Most people do not know what their medical coverage will cover until you are hit in the face with the reality of what your insurance coverage does not cover.

(1) When your life changes and you are laid off of work, hurt at work and became so ill you could not work what are your options?

(2) When you are laid off of work you qualify for unemployment insurance.

(3) When you are hurt at work you qualify for Workmans Compensation.

(4) When you are ill and can not work you qualify for State Disability.

(5) When you can not return to work and have been off of work for one year or in some cases less you qualify for Federal Disability.

-When you qualify for permanent disability on a case by case basis you maybe entitled to Medicare Insurance.

The confusion between State Disability and Federal Disability is completely confusing and I am afraid there are many consumers getting lost in the red tape, medical jargon and all the complications the goverment agencies throw at you.

When your work status changes and you return to work do not assume all of your benefits have been closed. You work a year or longer and your work status may change. The (5) types of government insurance can change with each separate problem. Always call the Social Security office before you start or stop any of the above Insurance Plans.

With one phone call you will save yourself money, stress and you will receive the help you need.

Thank you for reading my article., Please feel free to read any of my other numerous articles.

Copyright Linda E. Meckler 2007

Linda is the author of her first published book, Ghost Kids Trilogy. "Christy, 12 and her Brother Brad, 16 moves into an old house on top of a mountain and meet two Ghost Kids.

Then we have a mysterious, magical Blue Vase where Uncle Charlie the villain is trapped. He wants out of the Blue Vase and exchange he will tell Christy and Brad where Pirates Treasure is Hidden.

Take a walk with Christy and Brad down a dark hall hunting for Pirates Treasure. You will think were you there right there with them.

Love, Family Values and Charity burst off the pages.

Check out my new 4 E books Titled:

How To Appeal Medical Bills

Appeal and Collections Letters for Medical Providers

Boost Your Self Esteem and Blossom

Computers Cause Pain on my website

Check out my website


What is the Best Multi Vitamin You Can Buy?

There are so many multi vitamins on the market today, how do you choose the right vitamin for you? Why do you need a vitamin and mineral supplement? What is the best multi vitamin you can buy?

There are so many choices when it comes to vitamins. Go to your local grocery store and you will find shelves full. Then, go to your local health food store and you will find even more. The problem is how do you know which ones of these are actually worth buying?

The first thing you need to get out of your head is that you can get a good multi vitamin for cheap. This is just like buying shoes. The cheap brand of shoes never lasts as long as the more expensive brand so you are really getting a better buy with the more expensive version. Now dont get me wrong you dont need to spend a hundred dollars on a multi vitamin, but you need to spend more than $10.

I think that any multi vitamin that is under $20 is not worth spending any money on. Usually these are synthetic vitamins and not from whole natural foods. This means that you are wasting your time with the vitamin because it will do very little for you. You need a vitamin made from whole foods.

Vitamins are a necessary fuel for the body and they help us heal faster and better. You need these vitamins and you are not going to find them in the processed junk that we call food now a day. You could eat a ton of greens and fruits or you could take a multi vitamin to fuel your body.

What is the best multi vitamin you can buy? This is simple. You should plan on spending around $50 for a months supply and then you will cut the dosage in half and make it last 2 months. The dosage will be set to give you 100% of what you need so if you eat right you can cut this in half.

You need to make sure the vitamin is all natural and comes from whole natural foods. If the label does not say this you are getting ripped off. Check your labels and dont buy a bad vitamin.

Get the Greatest Vitamin in the World and support your body naturally. Start feeling better and give your body the fuel it needs now. Go to the following website and get the nutrition you need. You wont find it at Mcdonalds that is for sure.

The Greatest Vitamin in the World


Mortgage Protection Insurance Leads... Easy Sales, But Are They Profitable?

Is there an easier sale than the mortgage protection sale? I dont think so and the reason is because of the perceived need on the part of the prospect. The prospect knows the amount of the mortgage and it becomes a need that needs to be protected. It is just as simple as that, perceived need.

As an agent I want to gather all the clients I can without out burdening myself with huge service issues and the mortgage market provides just such a opportunity.

As a business person if I were to assess the dynamics of the mortgage protection market it would appear to a mistake because the amount of compensation is low. If it were only based on that factor I would have to agree. A significant amount of work goes in to the mortgage protection sale all the way from the lead generation to the overhead costs to the general cost of being in business. So what is the reason for this type of sale? Why would I want to work in this market? It is not for the mortgage protection sale, it is for the ancillary sale.

Once a prospect has and understands a perceived need then the opportunity exists for an expansion of the relationship. It can be expanded into many other segments of their financial world.

The difficulty lies in how to expand the relationship and that is where the art meets the salesmanship. To be different than other agents requires you to think differently. Thinking differently means thinking beyond the transaction sale, thinking of the relationship not as a transaction but as an evolution to a client/counselor relationship. The tool of choice is a fact fining process that expands your understanding of the clients needs and goals. Any solid fact finder will help you understand how a client feels and how your products can increase the quality of their life.

Transactions are extremely limiting and are very unproductive for the professional salesperson. The opposite is true; relationship sales will provide a greater opportunity to enjoy future sales and to grow a list of quality referrals.

Bill Broich is thirty year annuity salesman who helps agents generate leads and sales. To discover more visit his website: Mortgage Protection Insurance Leads


The Power Of Fruits - Anti-Aging Health Foods

Are you concerned about the physical well being of your body? Are you feeling sluggish and run down? Does your stomach feel bloated and uncomfortable? Do you carry extra weight in your stomach area? Is your skin aging more quickly than you feel it should? Are you beginning to have health problems that are effecting the quality of your life? Do you feel that you are getting the adequate vitamins and minerals from your diet?

We are told our bodies need five helpings of fruits per day. This is difficult but essential to our over all health. Fruits contain dietary fiber that helps our digestive tract. It is important to keep our digestive tract clear and moving. If we do not, a build up occurs and can cause disease. Nutrients can not be absorbed into our body as easily if there is build up. It is possible to hold up to 50 pounds of fecal matter in our intestine, making us sluggish, adding extra weight and adding extra inches to our mid section.

Some of the benefits of fruits are as follows:

1. Anti-Aging: We are all concerned about growing older. We can slow down the aging process if we give our bodies the essential nutrients. More importantly, however, is the quality of our lives when we are older. We want to be able to enjoy our later years and be able to do the things that we love doing.

2. Energy: If our digestive tract is clear, we will have more energy. We will not have the toxins in our system making us sluggish. Also, when we eat more of the foods that are healthy for us, we will be less likely to eat carbohydrates or sugary foods that slow our metabolism.

3. Clear and Healthy Looking Skin: Again having a healthy digestive tract is critical. When we are holding toxins in our body they will often be eliminated through our pours. This will cause break outs and give our skin a sallow look.

4. Improved Mental Focus: When our bodies are receiving proper nutrition we will naturally have better mental clarity. We will be able to work more effectively for a longer period of time. If our stomach is full of lighter foods such as fruit, especially in the afternoon, we will not feel as sluggish.

5. Weight Maintenance: Weight loss and maintenance can be one of the desired consequences of consuming more fruits. Keeping our digestive tracts clear, filling our stomach with more easily absorbed food with less caloric intake, gives a less heavy feeling which leads to more activity.

6. Antioxidants: Many fruits are high in antioxidants. The environment and certain preservatives in foods, put unhealthy toxins in our bodies. Fruits can help our bodies get rid of the damaging toxins that can cause disease and pre-mature aging.

7. Immune System: When our immune system is strong, we are more capable of fighting illness and disease. Today, there are many immune deficiency diseases that have serious debilitating side effects. Lupus, chronic fatigue and some forms of arthritis, to name just a few.

Some of the fruits highest in antioxidants are acai berry, apricot, purple grape, pear, cranberry, blueberry, passion fruit, white grape, kiwi, pomegranate, banana, bilberry, nashi pear, lychee fruit, camu camu, prune and wolf berry.

The world's population at large is sorely lacking in the life-changing nutrients that come from some of nature's most wondrous fruits. For most, their only fruit intake has become an occasional apple, banana or orange.

Cheaper, processed alternatives have replaced many of Earth's most powerful resources for optimum health - Fresh fruits from the richest soils of the world. Yet in this age of environmental pollution of air, water and food, the need for wholesome fruits has never been greater.

For more information on proper nutrition through fruits visit:

Bio: Terri Grace, nineteen years of experience in boutique sales and marketing. Successful business owner of a boutique for the past 5 years. Owner and entrepreneur of an online boutique. For more information on boutiques go to:


Functional Food Supplements

Baby Boomers and Generation Xers are continuing to look for ways to look and feel younger. Those 55 to 64 year old Baby Boomers are particularly fast growing and set to surpass 80 million by 2012. As a result they are more likely to investigate new nutritional technology if it makes sense to them. When it comes to nutraceuticals, "Baby boomers drive the nutraceutical market in the sense that they are the generation who is most likely to demand control over the course of their medical care," stated a recent consumer trend article.

The term nutraceutical was coined by the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine in 1991 as any substance that may be considered a food or part of a food and provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease.

Glyconutrients fall within this definition. Glyconutrients are a class of new technological breakthroughs in the nutritional industry. Briefly, it is believed that the sugar strands attached to proteins and lipids in our body require 8 out of 200 known carbohydrates in nature, to enable the cells of our body to have the right structure to communicate with each other. Improper structure equals improper function. Its as simple as that.

Some of my colleagues in the medical profession would argue we get all the glyconutrients we need in our diet. WHO ARE YOU KIDDING? From green harvested fruits and vegetables? Grown in nutrient deficient soil? Using fertilizers and pesticides and being fed dirty water and breathing polluted air? Yes the liver is able to manufacture glyconutrients however it requires up to 32 or so enzymatic reactions and that is dependent on what? An ample diet of fresh fruits and vegetables! Glyconutrients are a food supplement and as such are not meant to cure, treat, or mitigate any disease or condition. Yet science has established in the literature that there is a direct link to poor nutrition and many disease conditions.

As more and more Boomers and Xers search the net for information, it becomes apparent who controls the disease industry. Big Pharmacy. Big Pharmacy is responsible for killing over 125,000 unsuspecting Americans each and every year according to the AMA. This being a fact, more and more people are searching for natural solutions to health challenges. Unfortunately the average lay person has never heard about glycobiology, glycomics, or glyconutrient technology.

Glycobiology is one of the newest and fastest growing fields in the science community. Notice how I said science and not medicine! Oxford University, Johns Hopkins, UC Scripps, UC Irvine, just to name a few utilizing a $34million grant by the National Institute of Health to study glycobiology. I dont see that in other fields of nutrition do you?

Glycomics, according to MIT Technology Review in 2003, WILL be one of the Top 10 technologies to change the world.

As a result of this breakthrough science, nutritional companies are using science to produce safe, non-toxic food supplements to counter Big Pharmacy attempting to synthesize, again, what is normally found in nature.

You see, every single drug ever manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry has a level, known as an LD-50 that will KILL 50% of a test group.

Food doesnt kill but there is no money in food for the drug companies. Or is there? Why then are many nutritional lines owned by drug companies? Come on folks, use some common sense! If drug companies wanted you healthy they would be broke and out of business.

While doing a search on Google you may find several companies listing glyconutrients, however to my knowledge only one company has been granted a Composition of Matter patent on the exclusive formula available for all established glyconutrients.

This becomes extremely important when researching companies.

Functional food supplements are supplements from food. When looking for supplements you need to look for supplements that are standardized. This means every pill or capsule contains exactly what the label says it does. Nothing more, nothing less.

A label should tell you everything. Whole food, Standardized, etc. When looking at vitamin and mineral supplements look to see if they contain either chealated or colloidal minerals. Then avoid them and keep looking!

Minerals are salts. Salts are rocks. Rocks are not readily or easily absorbed into the body as food with the exception of selenium. A rock is rock is a rock. Chealated minerals are rocks that are covered with an amino acid to attempt to psych out the stomach and intestinal tract that it is a food. Being intelligently designed, the body knows the difference.

Colloidal minerals are rocks crushed into liquid. So we go back to rocks.

Ever wonder why women with osteoporosis who consume calcium supplements usually continue to have poor bone density tests? The body needs calcium from FOOD!

These type of supplements are usually considered Second Generation.

First Generation supplements were synthetic derivatives, chemically altered with petroleum and coal tar products to produce a cheap product that could be mass produced. Any product that contains USP vitamins or minerals fall in this category and would probably be better off in your gas tank than in your stomach.

First and second generation vitamins and minerals are partly the reason many medical doctors say supplements only produce expensive urine.

So you need to look for Third Generation vitamin and mineral supplements.

While on the subject of medical doctors and nutrition, it blows me away when I talk with patients about supplements and they want to ask their doctor.

Naturopaths, homeopaths, and chiropractors are the experts! You would be better off asking a gas station attendant information on supplements than your average medical doctor. When researching some of our countrys most prestigious medical schools, I was shocked to learn that the average doctor in a residency program has only had up to 25 hours of total nutrition education! Most have never heard the term glycobiology. Yet every doctor graduating since 2002 has finally been introduced to this science. Harpers Biochemistry was completely rewritten in 1996 to incorporate and entire chapter on glycoproteins (sugar bound proteins). It was updated last year as well.

SO for all you Boomers and Xers just know that there is help available to heal, repair, restore, and regenerate cells within your body. When given the proper nutrient dense, safe, non-toxic, natural product, you body will finally be able to say thank you.

Then maybe, just maybe, youll be able to get off your toxic cocktails and begin to enjoy the golden years with optimal health. Then fire your health professional and find one who has your health as their only concern.

Dr. Tom has trained thousands in lifestyle improvements over the course of 9 years. As a Lifestyle Adjusting Coach Dr. Tom takes what you bring him and helps you to see the potential of your health and wealth.

Dr. Tom can be contacted at or 760-446-1088.


Bulgarian Geology

Bulgaria is a small country, so small in fact that it is half the size of the united Kingdom and has a population of only seven and a half million, even less than the United Kingdoms capital city, London.

Due to its small size one secret Bulgaria does hold is the geological features that make its beautiful landscape. From glacial lakes and high mountains to flowing river and large forests Bulgaria has every geological feature you can think of.

Bulgarian Mountains

There are many mountain ranges in Bulgaria, some of which have some of the highest peaks in Europe. These wonderful mountain ranges carry a lot of respect in Bulgarian folklore as they hold a lot of Bulgarian history as well as being the source of most of Bulgarias rivers.

Bulgarian Rivers

The rivers of Bulgaria come in many shapes and sizes, from small stream like rivers to vast, wide, fast flowing river, all of Bulgarias rivers are important to the history of this wonderful country.

Flowing from deep within the Bulgarian mountains many of Bulgarias rivers harboured early Thracian settlements during ancient times that can be seen today in cities such as Plovdiv that stands on the banks of the great river Maritsa.

Bulgarian Forests

The forests of Bulgaria are normally made of pine and sit on the slopes of Bulgarias mountain ranges, these huge forests that go on for as far as the eye can see hold some of the most beautiful animals nature has to offer.

Within Bulgarias forests you can find wild boar and bears among other animals like deer, wild cats and wolves. The forests of Bulgaria truly are a haven of animals that are becoming extinct elsewhere.


The geology of Bulgaria is more diverse than some countries three or four times its size, and Bulgaria also has more species of animals that most countries can care to count. This makes Bulgaria a beautiful country in all respects. is a great guide to everything you need to know about any Bulgarian mountain range and other geological features in this beautiful country.