Call Centre Headsets
Having spent many years as head of our call centre's IT department it has frequently been necessary for me to purchase telephone headsets in bulk. The telephone headset is a call centre worker's best friend. If configured properly it sits, neatly and comfortably on the head and allows one the freedom to type, eat and doodle whilst aiding customers with their requests.
There are many types and features which may or make a headset suitable for a person. Generally we expect the staff to be at their desks whilst on the phone so we have corded headsets which plug right into the system phone.
The most popular is an over the head monaural headset such as the Plantronics H51 Supra Monaural Headset this is the world best selling headset, it being a low cost, lightweight, reliable and comfortable headset, manufactured by Plantronics, the market leader.
The other matter which is extremely important to take into account when ordering headsets is the issue of connectivity. There are many different ways in which a headset may be attached to a telephone, a terminal, a PC or a server using RJ11, USB or even RJ45; dependent upon what it is connected to and what type of line it is working on. Unless a company has a fully featured SIPP exchange it is likely that any VOiP headsets will use a USB connection. It has made the job easy for me by including a connectivity matrix to the checkout so that I am able to select the phone type and their online catalogue automatically tells me what sort of connection lead the headset will want. I am also (thankfully) able to select by myself as I know, in general what goes with what these days.
Best4headsets also solves another headset headache, that of maintenance, they supply amplifiers, ear cushions, handset lifters, voice tubes, and cables; with a service that allows one to return faulty or damaged headsets for immediate replacement.
There is a wonderful online resource for Plantronics Headsets at Best4headsets which has mad my life much easier, offering a one stop solution for headset information, purchase and maintenance.
Alexis Svenn is interested in many things he finds online and in his pockets. Alexis Svenn
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